Get to know Dr. Landmark.
Leena Landmark is a full professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. She is also the Director of Research and Grants for the Eleanor and Charles Garrett Center on Transition and Disability Studies. Previously, she was an associate professor at Ohio University and a research scientist at Texas A&M University. Her research focuses on the instruction and transition of secondary students with disabilities. She researches topics such as self-determination, transition planning, classroom management, family involvement, leadership experiences, and postsecondary educational practices, all related to individuals with disabilities.
Dr. Landmark teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in multiple formats including face to face, online, and hybrid. As a university instructor, she strives to develop special education professionals who are intellectually curious, reflective, and culturally responsive. She holds Texas educator certifications in pk-12 generic special education and the principalship, and she taught students with disabilities at the secondary school level for seven and a half years.
See her curriculum vitae for more information.